About Me

Dr. Deb Gulbrandson has been a physical therapist for over 48 years with experience in acute care, home health, pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and consulting to business and industry. She owned a private practice for 27 years in the Chicago area specializing in orthopedics and Pilates. She and her husband Gil, a former certified orthotist, “semi-retired” to Evergreen. They teach Osteoporosis management to physical therapists around the country. Deb also works for Mt Evans Homecare and Hospice and sees private patients for physical therapy as well as Pilates clients in her home studio. In her spare time, she skis and is busy checking off her Bucket List of visiting every national park in the country-currently 46 out of 63.

Deb is a graduate of Indiana University with a BS in Physical Therapy and a former NCAA athlete where she competed on the IU Gymnastics team. She has always been interested in movement and function and is grateful to be able to combine her skills as a PT and Pilates instructor. In 2011, she received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Evidence in Motion.

Dr. Gulbrandson frequently presents community talks on topics related to Osteoporosis and safe ways to develop Core Strength. She is a certified Pilates Instructor through Polestar Pilates since 2005, a Certified Osteoporosis Exercise Specialist using the Meeks Method, and has her CEEAA (Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult) through the Geriatric Section of the APTA.